Friday, December 6, 2013


I just read my last few posts from 2013...WAAAAAAYYYY back in February.  Before my birthday.  Before my husband of 18 years had an affair with a mom from the kids' school and left me.  While I was just freaked out thinking he was depressed.  Before I found out about the affair.  Before he moved all of his stuff out, filed for divorce, and moved in with her.  Before I went on the river with friends. Before I started dating again, quite by accident initially, a wonderful man.  Before I decided not to do the Mountain Man HIM because I was having trouble being consistent with training.  Before I took my kids on several vacations alone. Before I committed to run the Tucson Marathon and then had to switch to the Half because I hadn't properly built my base.  Before I decided I'm not ready to train for a Full Ironman yet.  Before I realized how truly blessed I am with so much in my life.  You get what I'm saying?  You understand?  It's been a big year.

So, I am in the process of examining my goals for next year, and I intend to make them public again.  Some of my goals from last year got derailed because of circumstances, but sometimes life hands you new goals.  Life says, "Yeah, those goals are great, and all, but how about you work on this, instead.  It might benefit you more in the long run.  When all is said and done, you might be happier than you thought was possible."  Life is funny that way.  I'm actually grateful in most respects for the changes.  I'm a happier person.  I'm a thinner person.  I have no idea what I weighed a year ago, but I now weigh 131.  Running at 131 is easier than it was in the 160s and certainly at 170.  Seriously, how did I carry all of that weight on my tiny frame?  I see myself as a little person now.  I intend to stay that way.  I am happy.

So...what can you expect to see from me?  I'm not sure.  Hopefully more fitness, more consistency, more happy.  But, whatever is supposed to happen will happen, I suppose, so we shall see...