Thursday, March 15, 2012

Half-a-century ride!

Yesterday, I finally completed a 50-mile ride, a goal I have had for a few months, but have been unable (for one reason or another) to actually attempt.  What a relief!!!  It was quite painful, maybe more than I had imagined it would be, especially in my quads and my sitbones.  Last night, I ordered a new pair of bike shorts that had great reviews from women who do long rides, so I am hopeful I can take care of the sitbone issue.  The quads, well, we'll see.  A few things about my route:  there is a hill similar to Oceanside at mile 18, climbing about 400 feet over 3 miles, with another 200 foot climb a few miles later; part of the route had the WORST ROAD EVER, with frost wedges/breaks every 20 feet...thud thud....thud thud....thud thud (man, is that annoying!); very few bikes or cars on the road, even though it is Spring Break here.  I don't think I took in enough calories during my ride, but luckily, I was able to make it.  That will have to change for the race, but I think I can dial it in over the next few weeks!

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