Thursday, June 21, 2012

Zyrtec and running

Google this phrase, and not a lot of information pops up.  However, I tried to run after taking 1/2 tab of Zyrtec the other morning, and my legs felt like they were filled with lead, my heart rate was skyrocketing, and I was so irritable about the wind I could not run one more step!!!  Needless to say, I have burned this experience into my brain so that I never, ever again take Zyrtec when I have training to do.

On a brighter note, only one more long run (12 mi) until I can taper for Missoula (yay!).  I was supposed to do that run last weekend, but life got in the way, so I am hoping to do it Saturday AM.  We shall see!  My 10 mile run was mediocre.  I felt like I had to stop a lot toward the end, but my pace may have been too fast.  I did not wear my HRM, because I forgot to charge it :(, but I"m guessing it was up there.  I felt like it was a Zone 4 effort at times, even on little hills.  I began to fear I have not been running enough, which might be true.  Sigh.  My consistency sucks.  I wonder what other wax/waners do to run consistently....

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