Thursday, October 11, 2012

Just keep swimming...

I hit the pool today for the first time in, oh, I don't know, 2 months?  I was motivated by a post on  A man asked how to get your swimming MOJO back, how to be motivated to swim when you are not motivated to swim, and one very wise woman basically said to just talk yourself into it, and you won't regret it.  I heeded her advice this morning, and she was correct.  It wasn't pretty, but I did it, and I felt better afterward!

I am thinking about races for next year, if I don't sign up for IMAZ, and I'm thinking maybe a few tris, a marathon, and Imogene.  Too much, you say?  Perhaps.  I need motivation to keep training, and races have motivated me in the past.  Hopefully I'll stay injury-free.

Speaking of injuries, my lateral meniscus, which I assumed was really just an IT Band issue, appears to have healed.  Thank goodness, because that is some serious pain!  I hate rolling, but I think it helps.  I have been able to run almost 4 miles again, and while I feel my LM, it does not hurt.  I don't think I have had enough compassion for people with injuries in the past.  It was terrible not being able to run.  I felt sad, unmotivated, and deflated.  I'm hoping never to feel that myself again...

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