Monday, May 28, 2012

Last Week in Review

I'm not sure whether I have been hit by allergies (my hunch) or a cold, but I have felt sooooo crappy this week.  I did manage to squeeze in a few runs and a bike, though.  Ran 8 hard miles in the middle of the day yesterday like a doofus.  When will I learn?!?!?  I suppose the advantage of doing a run later in the day is that it prepares me for triathlons, where I do end up running later in the day and in the heat.

Thinking about my grandfather, "Pater", today, and the PTSD he brought home with him from WWII, which was known as "shell shock" back then.  He and the family suffered for years as a result, not terribly, but it did come out in some ugly ways, which no one talked about back then.  Since I have been a psychologist, I have seen PTSD ruin lives, break up marriages, make work impossible, etc.  Sometimes it doesn't rear its ugly head for decades, but it has the same effect when delayed as when immediate.  I am grateful for the VA psychologists who work diligently to cure this insidious disease.  Thank you to all who have served, for the families who have supported them or lost as a result.  We are forever grateful.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Pulling my head out of my butt

This week, I am starting to pull out of the post-HIM slump:
Tues:  Run 3.25 miles
Wed:  Swim 1000 meters, Bike trainer spin sprint repeats 30 min
Thurs: Run 5 miles
Fri:  Swim 1000 meters, Bike trainer hill repeats 45 min

I am relieved.  And feeling like I might actually be prepared for my first race in 3 weeks, a sprint tri.

As I was feeling relief, however, R posted this:

What a fun race that would be!  Water temps at 72 degrees, air temps between 56 and 82.  And it's during our Spring Break.  So now I feel nervous again...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Margarita Moment

B, my buddy and co-star of this blog, has sworn up and down, on numerous occasions, "I will never, ever do a triathlon."  Never say never.  Over a pitcher of very taste pomegranate margaritas, Miss B and I decided to do the Mountain Man Super Sprint Triathlon together.  I signed us up that night, and it's done.  I did have to agree, however, to ride my beach cruiser and wear a tutu.  Small price to pay to spend the morning giggling with B!  She is a little irritated with me, however, and texted me the following last night:  "Going swimming a-hole and then for a run P"  Boy, I LOVE that girl!!!  :)

Watched Will K some A at the Tempe International Oly Tri on Sunday.  It would have been better without the hotel fire at 2:30 am, but whatev.  It was nice to see my honey out there working it!  And, I was inspired, as always, to kick my training into higher gear...., I went running today and was sucking air at 5 mph on the treadmill :(  Finished at under 13 min/miles with some slower breaks.  Dare I say I am out of shape?!?!?!?  Shit, I just signed up for a slew of races!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Payson Sprint Tri, Here I Come!

June 9th.  Be there or be [].


I should have titled this "My Boring Blog", although I think there is one out there already with that name.  I will say this about a HIM:  It is hard to get motivated to train when A) I have not signed up for another tri; B) I was physically spent and am swamped at work; and C) I let myself off of the hook, very easily.  I'm working on resolving all three issues.

In the mean time, Will and I did ride 18 miles last week, and then I rode another 3 with him as he ran.  He has a race this weekend...maybe it will boost my motivation!  I have been swimming at least once a week and running 1-3 times a week, as well as trying to ride at least once a week.  I guess some people would be happy with that much exercise, but I feel like I'm slacking!  And my swim times are just starting to come back into the range I want them.

Stay tuned...I will sign up for something soon.