Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I should have titled this "My Boring Blog", although I think there is one out there already with that name.  I will say this about a HIM:  It is hard to get motivated to train when A) I have not signed up for another tri; B) I was physically spent and am swamped at work; and C) I let myself off of the hook, very easily.  I'm working on resolving all three issues.

In the mean time, Will and I did ride 18 miles last week, and then I rode another 3 with him as he ran.  He has a race this weekend...maybe it will boost my motivation!  I have been swimming at least once a week and running 1-3 times a week, as well as trying to ride at least once a week.  I guess some people would be happy with that much exercise, but I feel like I'm slacking!  And my swim times are just starting to come back into the range I want them.

Stay tuned...I will sign up for something soon.

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