Thursday, January 3, 2013

Whole30 Day 3

Well, I am on the 3rd day of Whole30, and so far, no headache, no real cravings.  I'm not sure whether I am grumpy, but I did get very irritated about the stoplights all plotting against me this morning, even though I was early for work.  I feel pretty clear-headed, skin looks okay, but, heck, it's only Day 3, right?!?!?  So far, I've had very delicious food:  eggs with spinach and roasted red peppers for breakfast, chicken salad or leftovers for lunch, and various yum for dinner!  No real desire to snack save 10am yesterday morning, though I drank water and got through it fine.

So, that's Day3 for you.  No workout yesterday.  Might try to bring the fam to the gym today.  Outseason training starts Monday!!!

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