Wednesday, January 2, 2013

January 2nd

Dear 2012,

We had sort of a rough relationship.  On the one hand, you really brought out some of the best of me.  Training for and completing the Oceanside HIM was amazing!  My first HIM, my first ocean swim, really, the first challenge I wasn't sure I could take on, and I did it!  So for that, I thank you.

On the other hand, you also brought out the worst of me.  Injury, sloth, gluttony.  The past few months have been awful with respect to exercise and diet.  If you look over the past 3-4 months of posts, which are sparse and desperate, you see a pattern of trying to start something and either a) having an obstacle become "insurmountable" or b) me just plain not following through.  Enough is Enough.  We are done, you and me.  And I am happy to see you go.

So, in order to start 2013 correctly, I have built in a few supports.  I have joined a coaching group to help me train more effectively for the Mountain Man HIM in August.  Because this race is later in the season, I feel like training will be more effective AND I won't have as long to fall off the wagon before I have to decide whether to sign up for IMAZ for 2014.  Also, I have committed to the Whole30 program; actually I've committed to the Whole100, but who's counting?  I feel like I need to get a handle on my diet again, and I've really been flying by the seat of my pants (ever increasing size of pants) since I quit doing Eat to Live.  There were a lot of things I loved about ETL, but my gut HATED me for it, and I feel so much better when I'm eating meat, so I've decided to really give Paleo, and strict Paleo, an earnest attempt.  I'm on Day 2 and feeling better already.  

To better manage injury, I commit to rolling, stretching, and working on core strength more often.  We'll see if I pull this part off, but if I stay consistent with training and eating, I will have a really good head start on health.  

Lastly, I am committed to continuing to get other areas of my life back in order, and keep them that way.  2012, you were not good for me in most arenas.

So long, 2012.  It was the best of times, the worst of times.  But it's over.  Hopefully 2013 will find me more consistent, and thus happier.  It will be evident in my posts (once a week posts would be a good indication that I am on the right track), I'm sure.   

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