Friday, February 22, 2013

Rough Week Almost Took Wind out of Triathlete's Training Sails...Story at 11

I have decided not to post daily workouts after all, as it is just another responsibility.  I might change my mind again, who knows.  We had a bit of a rough time at our house last weekend, which lead to me having a lot of nervous energy and not sleeping, which lead to some nice, long workouts and getting all of my training for the week done at the beginning.  And losing 6 pounds because I could not force food down my gullet.  Things seem to be getting back to normal, but I'd like to keep that 6 pounds off, thank you.

I took the kids for a hike in Sedona on Monday:

It was nice to get out in the sunshine.  The rest of the week has been uneventful.  Just trying to push the cadence on the bike a little harder, and it's time to start extending my runs.  We are assembling a team for the Ragnar Trail Run in April...more on that soon!  Looking forward to a better week...

Friday, February 15, 2013

Two posts in two days...SHUT UP!

Tuesday:  WU:  25 min; MS: 2 x 15' (4') @ 95-100%/Zone4/Hard; CD (1:00:00)

Wednesday:  WU: .4 mi; MS: 4 x 800 (2-ish') @ 95-100%/Zone4/Hard; CD (3.26 miles; 41:01)

Thursday:  Spin Class/V02 work (1:05:00) AND Hike (2.64 miles; 885 vertical ft elevation gain; 1:07:35)

I've decided that posting workouts makes me more accountable, so I'm going for it.  Picture of my hike yesterday:  

Hualapai Mountain in the background...I'm hiking the mountain next to her

Pretty view

It was nice to get a double in yesterday.  My plan today is to do some core work when I get home in the form of P90X.  Happy Friday...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

40 days...

Somehow, my friend, T, wrangled me into a 40-day challenge to coincide with Lent.  I have agreed to physical activity every day for the duration of this challenge.  I have not agreed formally to give anything up, but sugar is my number 1 foe.  I lost the battle this weekend to a little boys' birthday cake that I had shaped and frosted to look like a half-pipe.  My son then tagged it with frosting spray paint.  It was cute, and delicious.  I also had an ass-kicking week of exercise, so I didn't feel too guilty.  Will and I blazed up Bear Mountain before the storm hit on Friday.  It was beautiful...albeit gusty and chilly.
We made it!!!

Gorgeous vistas that only improved with altitude.
Then on Sunday, I x-country skied to Mount Elden Lookout Road, up it a bit, and back home.
Part of the Arizona Trail...That's Tallulah, not a wolf, in the background.


Skiing was a little dicey since the snow cover was not that great.  I kept getting hung up on rocks just under the snow and almost died fell a time or two!

So, I did not follow my training plan to the letter last week, but I was SORE!  Today, I joined the Spin Class from Hell and got my VO2 workout in.  My knee was a little tweaky from mashing big gears, though.  I have been sleeping pretty well, with the exception of the night (or two) I inhaled ate chocolate cake.  I think I am starting to see some bodily changes associated with exercise, aside from my legs, of course, which are like rocks again.  I love being in a groove.  Happy Valentines Day!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Whole30 on, Whole30 off (and two life lessons)

I decided to take the weekend off from Whole30 strictness, though for the Superbowl, I made several compliant dishes:  Slow Cooker Beef Brisket, Baba ganoush, artichoke/roasted red pepper tapenade, kale chips, portobello mushroom chips, prosciutto chips, salad.  Let me tell you what...that was a great meal!  I had one beer and a bunch of sparkling water.  And one brownie to celebrate Ps birthday.  So, successful all-in-all.  I had a couple of beers the night before with ribs and sweet potato fries at Satchmo's, which I'm sure wasn't exactly compliant, but did represent the paleo spirit, at least (except the beer).  By the way, the ribs at Satchmo's were DElicious!  On Monday, Ps true birthday, I ate 2 or 3 corn chips with dinner (just didn't want them), and had a piece of cake to celebrate.  I have to say, I slept like crap most of those nights.  Which sucked, since I've been sleeping so well in general.  Lesson 1:  Bad food leads to Bad Sleep.

Training took a little bit of a hit last weekend, as well, mostly because of work and cooking/cleaning/partying.  I have done my workouts this week, however.  I got new running shoes (Ghost5s--LOVE), and no shin pain while running...YAY!  Lesson 2:  If my shins even show the slightest sign of pain, it's time for new shoes.

Hoping to get to the pool once or twice this weekend.  It's less busy, which is good.  We do have a little boy birthday party to throw on Saturday, which means more cleaning and cooking.  Sigh.  Good news:  we got wood for the hot tub, so maybe there will be opportunities to soak this weekend!  That always makes me happy.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Whole30 Day 32 (sort of), Outseason Training Day 26

Soooooo, last night I went to book club to discuss Wild by Cheryl Strayed, which I mostly enjoyed reading, and I ate some soup with beans and cheese in it and drank about 4 oz of red wine.  I enjoyed having the flexibility, since the Whole30 is technically over, to do this and not stand out, but there was a bit of guilt afterward.  I'm not dwelling, but I am pretty resolved to continue with the Whole30 way for a while, because I feel great!  I am sleeping better, and I am more alert in the afternoon and evening.  I'm recovering from training quickly.  As long as I eat some squash or sweet potatoes, I have enough juice to crank out my workouts.  If it ain't broke, don't break it.  I have lost 8 pounds this month, and I am very relieved about this, but I have about 20 more to go, or 25, if I'm honest with myself.  If I want to go faster.  Which I do.  It is going to be a long road, filled with birthdays and valentines day and vacation.  It'll be worth it.

Training:  Going well.  I did a spin class yesterday at the gym instead of my planned VO2 workout.  I felt trepidation, remembering past spin classes, but I was also a little worried I wouldn't get the VO2 training in.  NOT TO WORRY!  Not only did the instructor do exactly what I had on my training plan (2 X 5' 30/30), but she did many additional intervals, as well.  She kicked my ass. I think she was nervous about me (my face gets really red), because she kept watching me and winking.  :) I have to get up at the crack of dawn tomorrow to get my training in, and I'm hopeful I can run on Sunday.  I might have to stop at the running store on the way home and get new shoes...shin splints!!!  I've decided to start swimming next week, also, but we'll see if I actually make it to the gym.

I almost forgot...we did the Color Run in Phoenix last weekend...what a blast!  I would recommend it for anyone with kids.  It was fun and health-promoting, and my kids will remember it forever!