Thursday, February 14, 2013

40 days...

Somehow, my friend, T, wrangled me into a 40-day challenge to coincide with Lent.  I have agreed to physical activity every day for the duration of this challenge.  I have not agreed formally to give anything up, but sugar is my number 1 foe.  I lost the battle this weekend to a little boys' birthday cake that I had shaped and frosted to look like a half-pipe.  My son then tagged it with frosting spray paint.  It was cute, and delicious.  I also had an ass-kicking week of exercise, so I didn't feel too guilty.  Will and I blazed up Bear Mountain before the storm hit on Friday.  It was beautiful...albeit gusty and chilly.
We made it!!!

Gorgeous vistas that only improved with altitude.
Then on Sunday, I x-country skied to Mount Elden Lookout Road, up it a bit, and back home.
Part of the Arizona Trail...That's Tallulah, not a wolf, in the background.


Skiing was a little dicey since the snow cover was not that great.  I kept getting hung up on rocks just under the snow and almost died fell a time or two!

So, I did not follow my training plan to the letter last week, but I was SORE!  Today, I joined the Spin Class from Hell and got my VO2 workout in.  My knee was a little tweaky from mashing big gears, though.  I have been sleeping pretty well, with the exception of the night (or two) I inhaled ate chocolate cake.  I think I am starting to see some bodily changes associated with exercise, aside from my legs, of course, which are like rocks again.  I love being in a groove.  Happy Valentines Day!!!

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