Friday, February 22, 2013

Rough Week Almost Took Wind out of Triathlete's Training Sails...Story at 11

I have decided not to post daily workouts after all, as it is just another responsibility.  I might change my mind again, who knows.  We had a bit of a rough time at our house last weekend, which lead to me having a lot of nervous energy and not sleeping, which lead to some nice, long workouts and getting all of my training for the week done at the beginning.  And losing 6 pounds because I could not force food down my gullet.  Things seem to be getting back to normal, but I'd like to keep that 6 pounds off, thank you.

I took the kids for a hike in Sedona on Monday:

It was nice to get out in the sunshine.  The rest of the week has been uneventful.  Just trying to push the cadence on the bike a little harder, and it's time to start extending my runs.  We are assembling a team for the Ragnar Trail Run in April...more on that soon!  Looking forward to a better week...

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