Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mission (not to miss a single training session this week) Impossible?

My goal for this week is to not miss one single training session this week...I am supposed to do a simulated oly tri on Sunday, so hopefully the weather will cooperate.  It has been miserably windy, though, so I'm a bit worried.  I might have to do an all-indoor oly people come and go from the gym for 3.5 hours!  It's been an easy week so far:  1000 meter swim Tuesday, bike with 4 60-second 100% hr bursts and 4-min recovery and 45-min recovery run on Wednesday, and hill repeats (3 for 30 seconds all-out) this morning.  I am going to have to move my schedule around a bit to do another oly tri in February or Early March, because I doubt seriously I will have time next weekend (clinic day).  

I had a client with a prosthetic leg this morning, and we talked a bit about all of the amazing things people can do these days with prosthetic limbs.  He lost his about 4 months ago, but has altered his motorcycle and is looking forward to his "computerized" leg already.  Some people are so amazing...their will to live, thrive, even in the face of adversity.  It humbles me almost daily.  I am grateful my body can endure some of the torture to which I have been and will be subjecting it.  I hope it holds up!

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