Monday, January 9, 2012

Motivation Monday...Inspiration to Keep Getting Up and Out There

While listening to the IM Talk podcast a few months ago, I came across the story of Sister Madonna Buder, a nun in her early 80s who completes triathlons of all distances, including the full iron-distance.  She's been to Kona, and was hoping in 2011 to be the oldest woman on record to compete in the World Championships.  She did not make it, but her story is inspirational to me, the thought that there are badasses out there in their eighties, doing amazing things with their bodies and minds, makes me want to take on new challenges.  Here is the interview:
IM Talk Interview with Sister Madonna
I will try to post inspiration every Monday, as that is when I seem to struggle most with my own motivation to train.

As far as training last week, I was able to get all in except for my long ride :(  Sadly, we do not yet have a trainer, the weather was horribly windy this weekend, and I had to work on Saturday.  Excuses, excuses.  I am really going to try to do a long ride in Sedona this weekend...wish I had a training partner sometimes.  I would ride with Will or R, but I don't like to hold them back, and riding alone can be daunting.  Excuses, excuses.  But here is what I did accomplish the rest of the week:  Thursday:  3 mile run with 4x400 sprints and hills, Friday:  2000 meter swim and bike, Sunday:  5.7-mile run in the hilly hood.  I did get my butt out of bed this morning to ride, as well, but it was an easy recovery ride, so I don't feel like I did all that much (40 minutes @ recovery pace).  I will try to enjoy recovery week, rather than feeling guilty!

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